Campo De Almas slo busco mi libertad

They took me from my place
they took me against my will
all of them with the same purpose
to see me bleed and to see me die.
Many eyes were on me
I was alone and they were a thousand
and I couldn't understand
because they wanted to see me die
I was alone and I wanted to run away
I was alone and they were a thousand.
I only thought about throwing myself away run
only my blood could see.
And my screams of pain
were mixed with pleasure
from those who were there.
I only look for my freedom
(it's something I can't find).
I'm just looking for my freedom
(it's something I can't find).
They all laughed at me
at my desire to get out of there,
my fight to survive
my right to exist.
There is not much time left
no one listens to my lament,
and even if I do a last effort
I know that soon I will be dead.
I am only looking for my freedom
(it is something I cannot find).
I am only looking for my freedom
(it is something I can't find).