Caos clase 406

I'm going to be late again. Oh, no!
And now I don't know what to invent
I'm going to say that there was trafficking or
Victim of an express kidnapping
I didn't finish the work
I keep going and I don't give up
It's not the first time,
let's see if this one saves me
that in the end everything is a relax
I feel urgent
I have to get there
I feel urgent
I want to see her
I feel urgent It's urgent
I want to see it
And the doorman stops me
And he asks me where are you going?
I'm from Class 406
ÿ Where is she?
Someone tell me why she hasn't come
I haven't seen her
Between numbers and letters
I just keep thinking in it
They ask me and I'm distracted
I haven't heard them
I answer the truth is that I live on another planet
It's urgent for me
I have to get there
It's urgent for me
I want to see it
It's urgent for me
I have to get there
It's urgent for me
I want to see it
And the doorman stops me
And he asks me where you are going
I am from Class 406