Cardiac Arrest at war with myself

I built these walls up high
to hide the sorry state I put my toul into,
condemned myself to roam these empty rooms.
I hadn't thought i through.
Cause trying to lock away the worst of my regrets
didn't work, now they're stuck in my head
Whispers coming from my backdoor
but I refuse to head them call.
My demons wait for me to open
but I won't let them in
This time I won't let them in!
Sick of playing hide and seek
with shadows dancing in those corners of my mind,
just reflections of a distant life
I never speak a word while all these thoughts are rushing
'round inside my head, in every night that I spent wide awake
The outside always looks so calm
while there's a storm raging inside
Whispers coming from my backdoor
but I refuse to head them call.
My demons wait for me to open
but I won't let them in
This time I won't let them in!
I'm at war with myself tonight
I need a thousand words to make things right