Cardiphonia savior of the nations come

Savior of the nations, come,
Show yourself, the virgin’s son.
Marvel heaven, wonder earth,
That our God chose such a birth.
Not by human power or seed
Did the woman's womb conceive;
Only by the Spirit's breath
Was the Word of God made flesh.
Mary then was found with child,
Still a virgin, chaste and mild.
God had favored her with grace
To receive the Prince of Peace.
Christ laid down his majesty,
Passed through dark Gethsemane.
Though he left his Father's home,
Christ now sits on God's own throne.
Christ in glory intercede
For your creatures’ suffering need.
Let your resurrecting power
Soon complete the victory hour.
Praise to you, O Lord, we sing.
Praise to Christ, our newborn King!
With the Father, Spirit, one,
Let your lasting kingdom come.