Carlos Gardel madre hay una sola

Carlos Gardel Miscellaneous seeing me nothing he said to me,
For my past clumsiness... sweetened words
Of love for the son, just listen.
Kisses and loves... friendships... beautiful farces,
br/>And there are plenty of rosy illusions in the world,
Unfortunately, mother, there is only one...
And even if one day I forget it, it taught me life in the end,
We must return to that love!
And no one comes to tear me away from the side of those who adore me,
From those who with beneficent faith strive to console me
Of my past pain. ..
Temptations are vain to mock her affection,
For her I am always a child
Blessed are her gray hairs
Blessed is her love.
Kisses and loves ...friendships...beautiful farces,
And there are plenty of rosy illusions in the world,
Unfortunately, mother, there is only one...
And even if one day I forget it, it taught me ±or at the end of life,
That love must be returned!.