Carlos Gardel tabernero

Carlos Gardel
Innkeeper, you make an idiot of yourself, with your fiery concoctions,
Keep filling my glass with your damn poison
Until you see me like crazy, wallowing on the floor
Keep filling my glass, good tavern friend.
When you see me drunk, humming an obscene tango,
Between blasphemies and laughter, start a fight with the drunks,
Don't throw me into the street, good tavern friend,
Keep in mind that I get drunk with your damn poison.
I want to kill the soul that makes my brain idiotic,
Many get drunk with wine and others get drunk with kisses .
Since I no longer have loves, and the ones I had have died,
I find pleasure in the wine that the innkeeper offers me.
All those who are drunks are not for the pleasure of being one,
br/>Only God knows the soul that beats in every drunk.
Don't you see my empty cup?
Pour wine, innkeeper.
My soul is happy, with your damn poison
Keep filling my glass, ha ha ha ha,
I have no choice.