Carlos Vives la maye

Carlos Vives
La Maye
Oh! Maye sent me to call
like she wants to see me
I just came from there and she already sent me to call again (bis)
Maye sent me to call, I know what He's going to tell me
I just woke up, he wants me to go back to sleep (encore)
Oh! Calm down Maye
leave Rafael alone (encore)
I don't spend money on the street
I always return the same thing to you (encore)
Maye sent me to call
I I was in the cotton
I saw a worm in a flower and I'm going to fumigate it
but Maye doesn't believe that I'm going to fumigate
I just came from there and she sent me to call again
The women according to her, all belong to Rafael
I lived with this pain, I live alone and without a woman (bis)
What I am going to tell you now they are going to think that It's crazy
Because I greeted a nun and she told me to become a priest (bis)