Carlos je viens de la part de ma cousine

Sir, give me your daughter's hand, I have references and qualities.
I am the last of a large family that has problems on all sides s.
My father left, taking the cash register, when he worked in a company.
My mother was only happy and took lovers until satiety.
I come from my cousin, I come from my cousin.
They told me that you were intimate and that you you would receive well.
But about them, I must tell you, they are in a little trouble at the moment.
Because for almost nothing, for one stupid thing, they are in prison for more than twenty years.
I'm a good boy and I don't know how to do anything, I'm not good but I'm lazy.
Let me know about your affairs, I'll save you a lot money.
I come from my cousin, I come from my cousin.
They told me that you were intimate and that you would receive me well.
Ah, if your wife were my mother-in-law, I would take her out every Friday.
Know that with me, there is hardly any boredom; as you see, I have a lot of spirit.
Ah, if you could be my father-in-law, life with you would be sweet.
We would visit both hemispheres ¨ers, we would go together to spend you money.
I come from my cousin, I come from my cousin.
They told me that you were intimate and that you would receive me well.
I have nothing of my own except a dressing gown, but as it is very rare that I take a bath,
Perhaps you could leave us your room and you would sleep in the bathroom.
If I ask you for your daughter's hand, if I beg you to give her to me,
It's not that she's so pretty but I think that we are expecting a little heir.
-How? My daughter, my little Bernadette.
-It's a scandal! Never ! Never!
-Out, out, product of consumer society!
I came from my cousin, I came from my cousin.
I came from from my cousin, I came from my cousin