Carmen Consoli contessa miseria

Carmen Consoli
Contessa Miseria
I met her several times quite drunk
they called her countess miseria
because of her dryness
she was desperately alone< br/>at the gates of the sixties
sadly wrapped in showy ostrich feathers and vulgar scrap metal
on the wall of her house the writing
countess miseria
life sooner or later
pays off his debt
countess misery
life sooner or later
strikes by surprise
In his eyes the constant terror of time passing
and he would have given anything for an elixir
of long life
she was desperately alone
at the gates of sixty
sweetly absorbed among the glorious memories impregnated with powders and rien ne va plus
countess miseria
life sooner or later
pays off its debt
countess misery
life sooner or later
strikes by surprise
without asking
without notice
countess misery
the mind hibernating at twenty years old
victim of the deception of this century
which chases the myth of attractive forms
and cosmetic surgery
Countess misery
The mind does not change
Countess misery
The mind does not change
Countess misery
The mind does not change
Countess misery
the mind does not change