Carmen Consoli e forse un giorno

How long will I have to look for a way to stay afloat.
My husband hasn't worked for a while and together with the smile he said goodbye to health and dignity.
How long will I have to ask my children to grit your teeth
between bread, books, mortgage, electricity and gas I can already see another torrid summer in the city.
But spring will return to our poor brutalized and aged hearts and will warm them.
And perhaps one day they will give us air at a cheaper price than petrol
an authentic tear of holy patience
in the lottery this year a shopping voucher will be up for grabs
For how long will I have to carry the weight of this shame.
For about a month we have all been sleeping in the car and we have become strangers in the eyes of the community 
But spring will return to our poor, dejected and sick hearts and will heal them 
And maybe one day they will give us air at a cheaper price than aspirin
a legitimate dose of healthy hope
in the lottery this year a lifetime pension is up for grabs
That benevolent fine on the windscreen is proof that someone still thinks about it
What a nice surprise between the frost and the fog, how warm the embrace of providence is.
And maybe one day they will give us air at a cheaper price than garbage
And maybe one day they will give us air at a cheaper price than garbage
How long will I have to ask my children to squeeze the teeth.