Carol Burnett & Julie Andrews you re so london

You do! You do!
I don't, I really don't.
Oh I don't know. You're so elegant, so lady-like.
You're so London, you're so Kensington Gardens, and I'm so San Antone
What's wrong with that?
You're so harp strings, you're so chamber ensemble, and I'm so saxophone
It's my favourite instrument.
You're so kippers, so caviar, and I'm so liverwurst
You're so Shakespeare, so Bernard Shaw, and I'm so Fannie Hurst!
Fannie who? Fannie?
You're so Harpers, you're so Manchester Guardian, and I'm so Daily News
You're so white pumps, you're so pink satin slippers, and I'm so army shoes!
Wherever you go, you belong
Oh Carol, you're wrong, wrong, wrong
You're so hi there, you're so put-her-there-partner! and I'm so how d'ya do
You're so pogo! You're so Pop-eye, and peanuts, and I'm so Winnie-the-Pooh
You're root beer! You're ginger ale! And I'm so lemon squash
You're so 'oh, hey bud, where's the ladies room?' and I'm so 'may I wash...?'
You're so Mermen, you're so Rosalind Russell, and I'm so Deborah Kerr
Oh I love her!
You're so 4H! You're so SPCA! And I'm oh, so DAR!
Wherever you go, you belong
No, you're wrong, wrong, wrong!
You're so Pall Mall! You're so Benson & Hedges!
I don't smoke!
Carol: And I'm so corn-cob pipe...
You shouldn't either...
D'you know what it's like going through life looking like a corn-cob pipe?
Oh, don't be silly!
Let me tell you!
You're coyote!
You're prairie dog! And I'm so birds and bees
You're so dirndls! You're so petticoats! And I'm so PVDs!
Face it, Julie, you are HEAVEN!
You know what you are? You're christmas! And cotton-candy! And carnivals!
You're a little girl in her first prom dress, tripping down the stairs on her first date with stars in her eyes!
Wait a minute. You know what you are?
You're hayrides, you're Halloween! And you're firecrackers on the fourth of July!
You're a little boy at his first ball game, waving his pennant in the breeze
You're our boys overseas!
We'll be partners!
We'll be hotdogs and mustard, a twosome, a duet!
We'll be buddies!
Just like Huntley and Brinkley
We're Andrews
and Burnett.
Wherever we go we belong, we belong, we belong

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