Caroline Af Ugglas prva mig gud

Try me God
Try me God
Don't leave me
Everything feels so hard down here
And nobody wants to love me
Though I've searched so
And I can't find someone to love, to be mine
Try me
Try me God< br/>Don't you know how hard it is
It is to still be yourself
Every day I struggle to reach forward
But something's holding me back
There's something pulling me back to my loneliness
So whatever you do
Don't forget me down here God
Don't forget me God
And I don't think I'm a special person here on earth
There is better
But I don't think you will find anyone
Someone who has the right to say that it has tried
Before it is something you can say about me
I'm still never satisfied
Try me
Try me God
So abandon me not
Everything feels so hard down here
And I can't find anyone to love
And I've been looking so
I've see me everywhere
And I can't find anyone to love all my life
Whatever you do, don't forget me down here God
Please God, see me, hear me, feel me God
Do you understand how hard it is
To rejoice when you eat r myself
Every day a great darkness I struggle through
But something holds me back
There is something that pulls me back to my lonely
God, whatever you do, don't forget me God
I think maybe I can do my
I say it: I am needed!< br/>ÃÂ˅h God, whatever you do, don't forget me God
I think, I think you might need me
Don't forget me God