Carrie Cimma, Storm Large, Carrie Manolakos & Ryah Nixon somebody will do something

Somebody will do something
Somebody will take something
Somebody will strike something
Somebody will die
Axe Fall River Runs Red!
Maggie's washing windows
Father takes a walk
Mrs. Borden goes upstairs
And I can hardly talk
I'm so afraid
I went down to the cellar
And searched behind some sacks
My eyes they never saw it
But my hands they found the axe
I'm so afraid
I step onto the staircase
Stepmother hears me not
I step into the bedroom
Oh, Lizzie! What have you got?
I'm so afraid
With Maggie so retired
Stepmother quite undone
Father will be napping
He'll wish he'd had that son
I'm so afraid