Case Conrad the swim

I went looking for a house that wasn't there
I went looking for a sound I couldn't hear
I went looking for a job that someone got
I went looking for some cash that had been burned
Once there was a fire on the sea
and you swam next to me
our suitcases sank from all the gold
that we had earned
from stories never to be told
I went looking for some water that had dried out
I went looking for a car that wouldn't run
I went looking for some liquor during the ban
I went looking for a partner with a plan
Well I've been losing all my phones
I've been eating meals alone
I've been walking by the docks of Hamburg and Barcelona
I've been hearing about more fires in the woods
although there are no ashes to be seen
I went looking once again for a love I had lost
It's a riot how it all got so predictable
Well I went looking for a friend
that would stay until the end
I went looking for a bed
but there was already someone in it
I swam staring at the fireworks
knowing only one of us would be saved.