Casey Stratton balance

The universe wants to take as much as it gives, it seems
I try to find joy and truly live
I follow my dreams and I try to give
But then the hand falls and brings the weight
I get lost in the shock and endless pain
I can't think of you leaving
As far back as I can remember I wanted to be like you
I wanted to fill my days with song
I wanted to learn to play along
Wanted to make you proud and make my own sound
I went out in the world and I gained ground
I was always leaving
We didn't talk as much for years
Then the walls began to come down, clearly as day
I hear you say I always just wanted you to be happy
I'm caught between the balance
I'm caught in different worlds
I can't imagine your day will come
But I hear the warning strum
So it's time to step up and switch our roles
It's time to finally grow up
I've always been exactly who I was
But I'll always be my father's son