Caspar Babypants three blind mice

three blind mice three blind mice
see how they run see how they run
they all ran after the farmers wife
she cut off their tails with a carving knife
did you ever see such a sight in your life
as three blind mice
three blind mice three blind mice
see how they dance see how they dance
they all did the twist and the boogaloo
they rocked and they rolled until half past two
lets pull the plug thats what we should do
to three blind mice
three blind mice three blind mice
see how they jump see how they jump
the farmers kitty came creeping up
thay all fell into a puddle and and jumped
thier fur was wet till the sun did come up
those three blind mice
three blind mice three blind mice
see how they climb see how they climb
they went up a wall to escape the cat
and up at the top they met a small bat
they ate cherry pie till thier bellies got fat
those three blind mice
three blind mice three blind mice
see how they sleep see how they sleep
they are so tired from running around
they danced and jumped and almost drowned
they had to lie down on the warm dusty ground
those three blind mice...goodnight