Catherine MacLellan keep my eye on you

You came to me but you couldn’t talk
You lost your voice in that last big storm
Out there howling with the wind
You’ve been scolded, you’ve been warned.
Gone so much but I don’t go nowhere.
Same hotel room, different town.
You’re still out there laying on floors.
When you were young you wore the crown.
All the money in the world….
Now you’ve lost your way.
You ain’t lost kid, it’s just your path’s hid.
Come in from the rain
Warm the house up, pass around the cup
and start again.
Luckiest one I ever knew.
Found a little love and some soil to sow
Work a little harder til my wandering’s through
I’m doing alright I’ll keep my eye on you
We all gotta have these walking blues
Stare up at the sky and drink up the rain
Once in a while put on our dancing shoes.