Cathy Fink it s a ukulele

What's that sound we like to hear
It brings beauty and good cheer
Notes and chords we all adore
It's a ukulele
Hawaiians love it so do I
Makes the sweethearts swoon and sigh
I like to croon beneath the moon
With a ukulele
Fingers dancing on the strings
It's a sight to see
Fast and slow, high and low
Yes they call it the jumping flea
So strum your uke both up and down
Dance along with every sound
It's all the rage on screen and stage
It's a ukulele
The Portuguese invented it
Hawaiians fell in love with it
Grannies do the Charleston to
A little ukulele
Tickling strings with fingertips
Fleas and flies do crazy flips
My dog's fleas jump over trees
When I play my ukulele
Soprano, tenor baritone
So many shapes and sizes
Better than the telephone
For delivering surprises
Now it's spread the whole word round
Everyone wants to make that sound
It's so small, makes me look tall
It's a ukulele