Cécile Doo-Kingué come undone

Some days you wake up with the warmth of a smile, feeling like a kid again
It's amazing how quick you age reading the morning paper
Another mass shooting in a college dorm
Thousands left homeless by an angry storm
Another murdered immigrant who took the wrong way home
My inner-child believes that a change is gonna come
But my older eyes only see a people come undone
Condos taking over, dispossessions left and right
So tourists can walk the streets safe at night
Hide the tricks and junkies, out of sight out of mind
Their fair trade is a swindle but they make us compromise
In recession cheaper' s better no matter the price
If your people go hungry all you gotta do is feed 'em lies
My inner-child believes that a change is gonna come
That if we fight for social justice we'll win when all is said and done
That if united in the struggle there is nothing we can't overcome
But my older eyes only see a people come undone
I don't believe that with a cutter you can hijack a plane
But I guess the perfect goat did scape
We played follow the leader to a liar 'cause he legitimized our fears and hate
Now with Big Brother as our keeper we're all enemies of the state
Is the dream of domination worth the freedoms that we burned and we burn
At the stake