Ceca Raznatovic fatalna ljubav

Ceca Raznatovic
Fatal Love
I love you even when you are in Paiz
If you went to New York, you would be close to me
I love you even when you're in London
Because even in London, you're in my style
That, oh, that love is fatal
Because of her, I'm not even normal anymore
That, oh, that's the culmination
Everything else is her imitation
I love you even when you are in China
Because you threw a cini on my heart
When you are on a ship, train, plane
I I spend my days on the phone
That, oh, that love is fatal
Because of her, I'm not even normal anymore
That, oh, that's the culmination
All others are her imitation
I love you even when it hurts me
Because that feeling pleases my heart
Even when you spend time with someone else in the world
I love you even to my detriment
That, oh, that love is fatal
Because of her, I'm not even normal anymore
That, oh, that's the culmination
All others are her imitation