Celine Dion je sais pas i don t know

Celine Dion
Je Sais Pas (I Don't Know)
Divert rivers, carry weights
Cross seas, I know how to do
Divert rivers, carrying weights
Cross oceans, I would know how
Challenging machines, taunting laws
Divine thunderbolts, that doesn't scare me
Challenging machines, flouting laws
God's wrath, don't fear me
I know how to take a blow, return it too
To drive nails, that's what I learned
I know how to accept a hit, give it back also
To punch nails, that I learned
I'm not a victim, I'm not a dove
And so that I'm abused me, I have to fall
I'm no victim, I'm no dove
And to break me, I have to fall
I know the winters, I know the cold
But life without you, I don't know
I know the winters, I know the cold
But life without you, I don't know
I knew the silence for a long time
I know it's violence, it's blood taste
I knew the silence for a long time
I know it's violence, it's blood taste
Red anger, dark pain
I know the wars, I'm not afraid of them
I know how to defend myself , I learned well
We're not tenders around here
I can defend myself, I learned well
We're not tenders by here
I know the winters, I I know the cold
But life without you, I don't know
I know the winters, I know the cold
But life without you, I don't know
Struggle afterwards s fight, worst after worst
Every minute, I thought I could hold
Fight after fight, worst after worst
Each minute, I tought I could hold
I would like learn day after day
But who orders to our loves?
I would love to learn day after day
But who orders to our loves?
I know the winters, I I know the cold
But life without you, I don't know
I know the winters, I know the cold
But life without you, I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know