Celine Dion regarde moi

Celine Dion
Look at me
It's like a machine at full speed
A locomotive that rushes endlessly
Blows and jolts, I don't get used to it
Who's driving, who's pushing this train, who knows where it's going?
I have a headache, my heart hurts
Make us stop, call - me the controller
I want someone to explain to me, I want someone
In case of panic it's written there,
Oh, pull on the brake by hand
And what are you doing there,
On your sofa, next to me
Can't you see that I'm dying, that I 'am empty
That I have no more sap, that I am going to release
Look at me, tell me the tender words
These words in a low voice,
Take me back down, far from everything, far from everything...
I want, I command, look at me
I need your eyes,
It's the mirror where I exist without them
I don't see myself
But everything sucks us in, small screens
We have to show the worst elsewhere
To accept our nothingness
If you're not careful, over time
You don't care about the stations and you never get off again
The banging temples, that's getting to me
Either you reason with yourself or you take medicine
But I would like to know, just once
The end of the story and why, where and how
Who are the good guys and the bad guys?