Chancho En Piedra paquidermo

My elephant thinks he is a human,
he walks on two legs and shakes hands.
He dresses in a tie and a suit
and he takes care of me when I am sick.
à He runs, he jumps,
he plays, he dances,
he eats...
One day my elephant taught me that no one is anything. owner.
Throwing away the animal was our biggest mistake and
we completely lost the smell of love.
We sold, we bought,
we lied, we stole,
We killed. ..
It was difficult to accept the situation.
As a child I learned that I was the best,
I grew up and believed that everything was like that
without knowing that my place is far from here .
I do not believe in being able to change,
returning man to being an animal.
What is done wrong is done,
you cannot go back.
Sorry, we die!
There is nothing more faithful than the friendship
that an animal has towards you,
if it happens that you are not there,
You will only feel like dying.
Why wait so long
for what I'm looking for to arrive.
Maybe it won't be so easy,