Charles Aznavour tu t amuses

You have fun with everything
Because you're eighteen years old
You have fun with everything
And laugh out loud
And laugh out loud
And laugh out loud
With a laugh that disarms
By which I understand
That you would like to be a woman
When you are just a child
You play with my heart
Because it bounces well
You play with my heart
Like a ball
Like a child
Like with a puppet
Half fierce and half tender
Depending on your mood
You don't want to understand
Why can a heart beat
You're making fun of me
Because you want to know
You're making fun of me
To know your strength
Know your strengths
Know ®be your power
It's deep down, my sweet,
Simpler than you think
Me, my past pushes me
Yours is in front of you
You pay for my life
Because it has served its time
You pay for my life
At the price of my anxieties
At the price of my pain
At the price of price of my torments
I am at a loss of soul
And at a loss of joy
And my heart only demands
A word of love of you
Who has fun with everything
Who has fun with everything
With my heart, with my joys
You have fun with me