Charley Cholo hard as nails

Hard as nails
Got yellow teeth
200 pounds of
Soakin wet greasy beef
One bad thing baby
Badder than the rest
Got a dick like
A dead baby bird in a fuckin nest
It's soft as a baby's ass
Soft as a dead baby's ass
Woke up this morning
Deader than dead
Beaten to death
While I slept in my goddamn bed
Ain't got time to sit around dying
I gotta get ripped &
Sixty fuckin nine
69 my baby's ass
Rip 69 dead babies' ass
You're as soft as a baby's ass
You'll be dead as a soft baby's ass
I been shot
Run over by a train
Hit by lightning a couple times
I'm all right
I went to the Temple of Doom
Motherfucker tried to pull out my heart
Alls he got was blood
Under his fingernails
I might be dead
Might be asleep
Might not take a bath the rest of the week
Being dead's been good to me
I went on living
In an endless dream
Dream about my baby's ass
Dream bout a dead baby's ass
But you're as soft as a baby's ass
You'll be dead as them soft babies' ass