Charlie and Lola i really want to play music

Careful lola!
That belongs to the school!
But I really, really want to play music too with you and Marv!
Anyway, the Clarinet is really tricky to learn
Oh Charlie I'd love to play an Instru-instru-
An Instrument?
Yes, Charlie
What about one of those swishy swishy things?
Oh, you mean a harp!
Ha ha ha ha
Maybe thats a bit big for you, Lola
Can you think of anything else?
Ta Da!
Ha ha ha
You can't have a piano, our flat's too small!
Oh I know I know!
I could play one of those big slurry things!
Oh I know, A Tuba!
A tooooooooooooooooba!
But we dont have a piano, or a harp, or a tuba.
And then I had a great idea!
Mum said we could use things from around the house!
And I showed lola how to make her own instrument.
Like shakers!
Mrs Finch showed us how to make them!
Thats good!
Things that rumble.
I even showed Lola how to make tinkly noises using bottles!
Hooray well done lola!