Chattanooga dansa dansa dansa!

Dance Dance Dance Iso
Dance, Dance, Dance!
Come in, if you're the right person
Get lost! If you're in the wrong shape
Leave your weapons in our bar
Come in! You fit in with our audience
Come in, if you can stand our music
Pay at the till, you're done
Come in, come in!< br/>May I be allowed
Hey, honey, do you want to dance
Do you want to dance with me?
You have to take a chance
You can't say yes no
Dance, dance, dance!
Stay, you must have fun, you must not leave
Feel how the music helps your heart to beat
Stay, you gotta have fun, you can't go
Feel the music make your heart beat
Dance, dance, dance !
Text och musik/Music and lyrics: Bertil Goldberg
(Come in, if you're the right kind of person
Get lost! If you're the wrong shape
Leave your weapons in our bar
Come in! You fit into our crowd
Come in, if you can stand our music
Pay at the entrance, you're ready
Come in , come in!
May I?
Hi baby, do you wanna dance
Do you wanna dance with me?
You've gotta take a chance
You can 't say no
Dance, dance, dance!
Stay here, you gotta have a good time, you can't leave
Feel how the music helps your heart beat
Stay here, you gotta have a good time, you can't leave
Feel how the music forces your heart to beat
Dance, dance, dance!)