Cherylyn Barnes aussie girl

(talking) Hi Chookys… Cherylyn barnes here
I wanna tell u a bit about the country wat i live in
its called Australia
where the chooky boys are gorjus and have real golden brown gorjus skin
And I know theres some gorjus girls around the world
but none of em cum close to us aussie girls
If you ever go down under
You'll see all the good things wat we've got
Opera House, Ares Rock, and a kangeroo
But watch out because the sun gets real hot
Come to Australia
My Home Australia
It Is australia Day
celebrate the aussie way
Guess What… Today's Australia Day
It's best bloody country in the world
Celebrate … Thats the Aussy way
I'm help you party because i'm an aussie girl
(whisper this bit) Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi x2
This is how we do it down under
Vegemite, tim tams, or a sausage roll
Just a few of the things wat I like
but i'm sure you'll love australia as a whole
Come to Australia
My Home Australia
It Is australia Day
celebrate the aussie way
Guess What… Today's Australia Day
It's best bloody country in the world
Celebrate … Thats the Aussy way
I'm help you party because i'm an aussie girl
Guess What I wanna show you something
Sunset at Bondi Beach
Lets sit on the beach
We can make love
Guess What… Today's Australia Day
It's best bloody country in the world
Celebrate … Thats the Aussy way
I'm help you party because i'm an aussie girl