Chico Science antene se

It's just a head balanced on top of the body
Listening to the sound of the record players, coming from the mocambos
Crammed up on the edge of the capibaribe
In the fourth worst city in the world
Recife mangrove city
Embedded in the mud of the mangroves
Where the crabmen are
My rope often falls out
In the middle of the street, on top of the bridges
à It's just a head balanced on top of the body
Looking to get good vibes
Worrying to get good fun
I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm Mangueboy
Recife mangrove city
Embedded in the mud of the mangroves
Where the crabmen are
My rope often falls out
In the middle of the street, on top of the bridges
à It's just a head balanced on top of the body
Looking to get good vibes
Worrying to get good fun
I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm Mangueboy