Children of the CPU laurentien

I'm tired of awkward silences and of shooting stars that fade.
I'm bored of this particular orbit.
This one last dance is getting stale.
And this is not rocket science but I alway seems to get it wrong.
They say they will build you a space ship that no one ever doubts.
Wandering star, don't know where you're heading.
I'm sad to see you go and I hope you're not gone for long.
Send me a postcard of the places you've been.
I hope the weather is fine.
Just don't forget what you left behind.
Wandering star don't know where you have been.
I know you had to go but I hope you're not gone for long.
Send me a drawing of the places you've seen.
And never forget to always color outside the lines.
I'm tired of broken promises and of staring at my feet.
This room is getting crowded and our eyes will never meet.
I'm weary of being selfish when no one seems to want my love.
They say they will show me stars, but no one ever really does.
Wandering star, don't know where you're heading.
Im sad to see you go and I hope you're not gone for long.
Send me a postcard of the places you've been.
I hope the weather is fine.
Just don't forget what you left behind.
Wandering star, don't know where you have been.
I know you had to go but I hope you're not gone for long.
Send me a drawing of the places you've seen.
And never forget to always color outside the lines.