Chiquis Rivera completamente

In the morning I have my tequila juice for breakfast, The Great Lady visits me in the office or the canteen as you want to call her.
And at night I disappear with invented excuses and return until The morning comes smelling wine and draft beer. I know I'm crazy and I'm always partying in jeans and a miniskirt, I steal everyone's attention, wherever I go I'm always quarrelsome and foul-mouthed. until dawn driving around in my truck, here it sounds like a pure band with loggerheads, whiskey, rum, even if I'm bad-mouthed, partying and badly behaved, you know very well that I am COMPLETELY yours.
And when I get to the places where I have a bad reputation , where they talk about me behind my back. What they don't dare to say up front.
Don't hide from me, don't turn me around, I won't bite anyone who loves me or doesn't love me, I celebrate it and the next round will be for me.
I know I'm really crazy and I'm always partying in jeans and a miniskirt, I steal every eye, everywhere I go, quarrelsome and foul-mouthed, I'm always riding around in my truck until dawn, here it's pure band with whiskey loggerheads, rum, although I am foul-mouthed, partying and badly behaved, you know very well that I am COMPLETELY yours.