Christina Martin take me back in a dream

Take me back in a dream
I only want to show you
Bring us back to the day
You were too cold to hold me
When you pushed me away
I still do remember
How it felt, how I cried
Though I held it all inside
Take me back in a dream
She was small, now she’s tall
I’m imagining her paintings
What you said when I left
Your words still hold no power
Against light against love
I only hope to prove to my own heart
Across my life, loves revealing light to me
Take me back in a dream
Another Fall comes again, darkness always seem to happen
Around holidays like Christmas, when she hangs my empty stocking
I would like to be good, I would like to stay strong
But I cannot play the part
Perfect daughter
Perfect wife
To satisfy your life
Take me back in a dream
Aum gam ganapataye namaha
Aum gam ganapataye namaha
Aum gam ganapataye namaha
Aum gam ganapataye namaha
We all lie, we all try, to do the best we can
You may find in the end, it all works out the same
In my head, in my heart, I believe that this still matters
What I say, what I do, how I’m choosing to avoid you
Take me back in a dream
Aum gam ganapataye namaha
Aum gam ganapataye namaha
Aum gam ganapataye namaha
Aum gam ganapataye namaha
I would like to be strong
I would like to be good enough for you
Take me back in a dream