Cindy Alexander human

Don’t you even try to save me
When I say what’s on my mind
There are questions with no answers
Like why did Mickey have to die
Maybe He’s human after all
And He didn’t hear it
Maybe He had another call
For G-d’s sake
The whole world’s on the line
Or it was just his time
I have come to understand that
I will never understand
Why some givers have no takers
Except the ones that bite the hand
Maybe He’s human after all
And He didn’t see it
Maybe he caught another ball
For G-d’s sake
Life’s an unfair game
But we all play the same one
Sir – it may be clear to you but mine is blurred
Can we learn to live together
Can we love without a tether
Kiss and make it all feel better
Don’t you even try to save me
Maybe She’s human afterall
She just doesn’t get it
Maybe She got another call
For G-d’s sake
The whole world’s on the line