Clannad gaoth barra na dtonn

Clannad 2
Gaoth Barra Na Dtonn
The straw moon is rising in the sky
's golden autumn sun is setting in the weir
The bees are buzzing in the old brown foliage
The wind is blowing the woods, the wind blowing the waves
Are the young ones playing down slow hearted?
In the sheep bleating at the close of night'
The stream is bright and roaring over
The wind is blowing the woods, the wind is blowing the waves
In its musical water stream the salmon spawn
's around the edges the lark is born
The birds of prey come there, the magic in the lake
For there is no grudge against the wind of the bar of the waves
's Patrick's dress and a slim connell saint
That I do not ask for any glory at the end of my life
But m 'my soul is sent as a brown leaf
It is growing on your shores, a bar wind of the waves