Claudia Jung dann nimmst du mich in deine arme

Sometimes I will dream and I don't know why,
then I ask the sky, look for an answer, but the sky remains silent.
Sometimes I don't know what to do next.
I ask about the meaning.
When I am completely hopeless, completely desperate and very helpless.
Then you take me in your arms and are very nice to me.
I feel security again with every word you say.
Then you take me in your arms and give me new courage.
Help me through the darkness and everything is fine again.
Sometimes there are hours like this, I ask myself where the journey is going,
Am I still more than everyday life for you tomorrow?
Sometimes my dream world collapses like a house of cards,
then I don't want to see anyone and I would I prefer to be completely alone with you.
Then you take me in your arms and be very nice to me.
I feel security again with every word you say.
Then you take me in your arms and give me new courage.
Help me through the darkness and everything will be fine again.
Please let it stay that way.
Take me as I am.
If If I lose you, then this life has no meaning for me.
Take me tightly in your arms and be very kind to me.
I need your security and every word from you.
Take hold me tightly in your arms and give me new courage.
Help me through the darkness, then everything will be fine again.
Then you take me in your arms and be very kind to me.
I feel security again with every word you say.
Then you take me in your arms and give me new courage.
Help me through the darkness and everything is fine again.