Claudio Baglioni acqua dalla luna

I wanted to be a great magician
Charm girls and snakes
Eat fire like a young dragon
Give wonders to the eyes of those present
Screw their necks and take away their breath
A high diver a lost troubadour
Making dizzying jumps on the rope
Passing through walls and darkness
Like a camel entering the eye
Soaring deranged tightrope walker
One who knows amaze the moon
Wrists of stone and winged heart
And amaze all those
Who don't know luck
Who never have a party
The sad ones and the wretches
/>I left a son at home
The eyes behind the window
A greeting in the cap
And not a rabbit came out
The public flocks
People, adults and children< br/>To his magic number
You will see
A thousand and more spells
Slowly don't push yourself
It costs a few cents
I wanted to become a piper
To bewitch the world and each of his creatures
Growing ears of wheat in January
Defying death without being afraid
And putting your head in the mouths of lions
A tamer defeated a silent storyteller
Far pigeons and visions appear
The invisible man the strong man
Throwing knives and glances like frost
Knowing how to go at the tip of the fingers
One who throws himself empty into the cloth
/>Of the long winter of life
And carry on a cart
Alms from heaven
Among hospital silences
And tears of catarrh
I remained silent at the side
br/>When mother was ill
And she looked like Pulcinella
Inside the white pajamas
Arrive the public
People big and small
At his magic number
You will see Cucaio
In a thousand and more spells
Slowly don't push yourself
It costs a few cents
If I knew something about
To fall in love with those who
No one loves
If I could take them there
Where the wind sleeps
If water grew from the moon