Clawjob dooks of doom pts i ii iii

JULIAN: I rode my bike to the projected landing site.
I hid myself in the bushes.
I took my trusty rusty telescope.
As they swarmed out upon the earth, I raced back here to warn you...
JULIAN: Watch out.
Lock the doors.
And don't let them in.
The Dooks of Doom eat human skin.
Run away.
Don't come back.
Just get on that plane.
The Dooks of Doom will feast on your brain.
Can we get away?
Or fight them somehow?
Or soon enough, will we be Dook chow?
DOOK: We're the Dooks of Doom!
I will eat your spleen!
He will tear out your spine!
We have traveled light years
To ring your doorbell
And snack on your entrails!
We subdued our stomachs' greed
Long enough to make machines
To carry us across the galaxy
And have an earthling feast!
We are from a highly stratified society!
You are helpless up against our super-sharpened claws!
There is not a chance that you will triumph over us, because
We'll crush you in between our unbelievably powerful jaws!