Clive Gregson camden town

I remember when I met her,
She had barely turned eighteen,
Her hair was not quite auburn,
And her eyes were not quite green,
She was English as the coal dust,
And Irish as the rain,
And every man in Connor's Bar,
Offered their love in vain...
Ohorus: She was total imperfection,
A Queen without a crown,
Like a fool, I swore I'd win the heart
Of the prettiest girl in Camden Town...
Her name was unpronouncable,
.On my thick Northern tongue,
But I loved the way she always smiled,
When I got it wrong,
She spoke a different language,
Full of light and grace,
And every word was played out to
The music in her face...
She was total imperfection,
A Queen without a crown,
Like a fool, I swore I'd win the heart
Of the prettiest girl in Camden Town...
She worked at Euston Station,
Selling tickets and advice,
And the businessmen who asked her out,
Never asked her twice,
For they could not understand why she
Refused to change her mind,
Forsake the London Irish,
And leave the past behind...
She was total imperfection,
A Queen without a crown,
Like a fool, I swore I'd win the heart
Of the prettiest girl in Camden Town...
And once she let me lie with her,
After years of holding out,
She always said that love would spoil
What friendship was about,
But one night when sense deserted us,
And madness ran our veins,
She crept into my shaking arms,
And rocked away my pain...
She was total imperfectioln,
A Queen without a crown,
Iike a fool, I knew I'd lost my heart
To the prettiest girl in Camden Town...
Well, sometimes I still see her,
With her children in the park,
Two, by different fathers,
How the years have left their mark,
It seems she never married,
God knows, she had her chance,
But her English blood would not decide,
And her Irish loved to dance...
She is total imperfection,
A Queen without a crown,
Like a fool, I still would give my heart,
To the prettiest girl in Camden Town,
Iike a fool, I still would give my heart,
To the prettiest girl in Camden Town...