Clive Nolan & Oliver Wakeman dangerous world

Pilgrim forth! Come pilgrim, forth!
All men do taste the same
Pilgrim face! Come pilgrim, face
The agony and the pain
Soldier march! Come soldier march!
To fortune and to fame
Soldier die! Come soldier die!
In agony and in pain
Through those dark and dangerous storms
You held me close and tenderly
All along those endless roads
Shielding me, protecting me from
Nightmares of my childhood
Phantoms of a time that should have
Passed away
Just colours in the distance
Far away
Just long forgotten whispers
Far away
Just stars that long since burst into
A thousand shining lights
To guide us through the night
Through the dark and dangerous world
You kept me warm, so watchfully
Deep into chaotic seas
You made me feel invulnerable
Nightmares of my childhood
Phantoms of a time that should have
Passed away
Just colour in the distance
Far away
Just long forgotten whispers
Far away
Just stars that long since burst into
A thousand shining lights
To guide us through the night
It all began with this
You carried me when I was weak
Lying on the ground
It all began with this
You carried me when I was sick
Weeping on the ground
It all began with this
You followed me when I was lost
No more self control
It all began with this
You followed me when I was blind
My tears fell in the dust
Forth my boy! Come forth my boy!
Let me set eyes on you soon
Forth my boy! Come forth my boy!
Be sure in your heart, you are doomed
Here my boy! Come here my boy!
Attempt what so many have tried
Here my boy! Come here my boy!
This journey will end when you die!