Closterkeller grzech

I'm no longer needed, I'm alone again
No one remembers what I was like
No one remembers those bright days
When I laughed and when I danced
Unreal, wild charm
He poisoned my blood
He sent sin upon me
From now on it will always be like this
I won't forget anymore, I won't find myself
I'm nothing, I'm nothing anymore
It's time to leave æ, not needed here
The whole world has its back turned
Remember at least you
Remember my voice
Don't ask me anymore where I'm going
We'll see you there
When your time comes
Soon I will be here with you
Maybe someone will look up?
Yes, yes! I remember my sin
Here, no one will let me forget it
And you and he cleans like a tear
You know best what is good and what is bad
I don't need it anymore, I'm alone again
No one remembers what I was like
No one remembers those bright days
When I laughed and danced
He sent sin upon me, poisoned my blood
An unreal spell that kills
From now on it will be like this, I won't find myself
I won't forget what I did
I don't care anymore
It doesn't matter
Now I know for sure
I don't care anymore
It's so close