Cómplices Al Rescate mi gran amigo

You are already my great friend, I can now trust you, when the storm comes, you are always by my side, that is what friendship is. Friendship, friendship, something good to give us, friendship you already have my support until the end, my great friend my friend you are now. Friendship is the closest thing to brotherhood, friendship you will always count on me, friendship let's go through the world together now, my great friend , my friend, you are now.
In you I have a friend, on whom I can always lean on, you and I are just like that, you are always by my side, that is what friendship is.
Friendship, friendship something good to give us, friendship you already have my support until the end, my great friend my friend you are already. Friendship is the closest thing to brotherhood, friendship you will always count on me, friendship let's go through the world together now, my great friend, my friend, you are already.
Friendship, friendship something good to give us, friendship you already have my support until the end, my great friend my friend you are already. Friendship is what closer to brotherhood, friendship you will always count on me, friendship let's go through the world together now, my great friend, my friend, you are now.
Friendship, friendship something good to give us, friendship you already have my support until the end, my great friend my friend you are now. Friendship is the closest thing to brotherhood, friendship you will always count on me, friendship let's go through the world together now, my great friend, my friend, you are now .