Codename Blush, Kait & Lizzie santa doesn t come feat kait lizzie

Somewhere there's a child cryying
Cause daddy's not home from work
And Mama's scraping dirty dishes
From the dinner she could barely afford
Time's are hard she says
Whipping the tears she cries and says
Santa may not come
Don't you cry
I know he got your letters
And read throught each line
But Santa may not come
I'm sorry my child
It's not fair to ask
Will you be alright?
If Santa doesn't come
Looking through an emtpy window
Broken lights around the tree
A father tucks another blanket on his son
In a house that has no heat
Time's are hard he says
Shutting his eyes he cries and says
Santa may not come
Don't you cry
I know he got your letters
And read throught each line
But Santa may not come
I'm sorry my child
It's not fair to ask
Will you be alright?
If Santa doesn't come
The light of the world rain down
We need a miracle this day
The greatest gift you gave was love
And that's all I have to give to you
Santa may not come
Don't you cry
I know he got your letters
And read throught each line
But Santa may not come
I'm sorry my child
It's not fair to ask
Will you be alright?
If Santa doesn't come