Coffinworm sympathectomy

The cosmic paradox that binds us all
Converging only in beginning and end
The noose's shadow steady hangs over our heads
Watching life unfold in reverse
It's like dying in the womb: an unexpected gift
As the four walls of a glass casket grant
Our collective existence a tomb with a view
Dragon-slaying is its own reward
In this bingo parlor for the dying
the tree of life sways to the opposite
And circle reunites with circle
Working hard at being unacceptable
So throw the bodies on top of the pyre
But please be mindful and recycle their beliefs
Because 3 out of 4 horsemen aren't jobless
Envision your worst nightmare...
We call it a day in the life
You despise what you once held so tight
So near, unclear, unfeared...
Please turn up buried or missing
Exhaled in every breath
Lumber forth
Downfall manifest
Lumber forth night
Lumber forth... eternal night
Your deception fetish is not only appalling,
It reeks like a limbless prostitute's breath
As list of disorders as follows in this exact order:
Enlightenment, salavation, forever, hope, faith, death
As we pay our final disrespects
Gathered in the church of the atom
Let us exalt in finality
At oblivion's altar
Mushroom clouds
Snort these putrid fumes