Colette Deréal on se reverra

We will see each other again
In this world and beyond
Tomorrow or elsewhere
For worse or better
We will see each other again
We will never see each other again
will forget
As hard as the cross
I know we will see each other again
I never forget a face
Nor the emotion it gave me left behind
During all my long travels
I have encountered friendships
Never a face is forgotten
Qu he smiled, whether he cried
He is here for life
Like a moment of eternity
We will see each other again
br/>In this world and beyond
Tomorrow or elsewhere
For worse or better
We will see each other again
We will never forget each other
As hard as the cross
I know we will see each other again
Long after time erases
The enemies, the pretenses
The walls of silver , the walls of ice
Who are the good guys and the bad guys?
The betrayals, the twists of fate
I have experienced some and I know some
Who is right or wrong?
We will never know
We will see each other again
In this world and beyond
Tomorrow or elsewhere
For the worst or the best
We will see each other again
We will never forget each other
As hard as the cross
I know we will see each other again
We will see each other again
br/>We will never forget each other
As hard as the cross
I know we will see each other again