ColonBlow town fathers

C Harmonica
Morning takes them out of bed.
No need for clocks, it's in their heads.
Brush their teeth and head right out the door.
Same ol' place at 6: 15.
Everyone knows their routine.
Not a single one of them would ask for more.
Each one arrives and takes their seat
Good morning to you, is usually how they greet.
Watching cars go by out on the street. (Drums)
So, whats in the news today?"
"Same ol same ol everyday."
"It looks like mostly sun again this week.""My brides going to the mall.
Im waiting for my son to call."
"Gotta fix my roof its got another leak.
Every morning it's their standard fare.
You can always find them sitting there.
The smell of coffee drifting through the air.
(Harmonica thru verse & chorus) (4 Draw..., 3D, 4D, 4Blow, 4D)
Then one day a change had come.
As they arrived there one by one.
They knew that things could never be the same.
Sirens blasting all around.
Changed the landscape of their town.
As they stood and watched it all go up in flames.
A mist began to fill their eyes.
As they thought about the how's and when's and whys.
The feeling old men get when an old man dies. (Drums end)
Weeks go by and time it heals.
As he listens to his grandkids squeals.
Sipping on the coffee his wife made.
Reads the paper, nothings changed.
Yet somehow nothing is the same.
He thinks about the debts that he has paid.
He realizes that his life good.
Wouldn't change a thing about it if he could.
He stands as tall as any man has stood. (Drums, Harmonica thru verse and chorus)