Company, Jeremy Kushnier & Stephen Lee Anderson i m free heaven help me

Looking into your eyes I know I am right
If anything worth the fear its worth the fight
knowing with the time ive had make me change my plans
Were croosing the line
jumping the track
taking whats mine
and not looking back
Heaven helps the man who fights his fear
Everyday I face a new frontier
I can't worry what the world will say
I may fly or fall but either way
I'm free!
Running away will never make you free
Dosen't matter where you go I garente
As long as we hold are groud
We cannot be found
Were shaking the past
Making our breaks
Taking control if thats what it takes
Heaven helps the man who fights his fear
We can face it down right now right here
Once your standing on your own two feet
You will not retreat if you repeat
I'm freeWere shaking the past
Making our breaks
Taking control if thats what it takes
I'm Free
Heaven helpsthe man who fights his fear
We can face it down right now right here
Maybe we can finally right this wrong
Arm and Arm and sid by side were strong
And Free