Corinna Rose fresher fruit

If my name and his name have got your tongue in knots
What else of me have you not forgot?
Is my face still fresh or has it wavered?
Your silent slips as you sweetly savour
Fresher fruit that has not come to rot
If you closed your eyes and felt each of our palms
To which hand would your tender touch belong
Would your fingers scream out “Lover!” “Stranger!”
If they called your lips to lend a favour?
Would either tango’s tempo taste so wrong
I found peace since you bolted up your door
My dreams have long ceased to find us tumbling on the floor
We’ve moved on to fresh arms that keep us warm
But you can’t keep straight
Our names and voices and kisses and faces
Guess time obscures but never erases
The bonds we build and we break and we bury in vain
So keep me tied, taught, tightly between your teeth
That wicked word of love’s obsurd bequeath
‘Cause habits they die hard if ever
Despite your best attempts to sever
Stubborn roots still tangled down beneath