Counterpunch guardrails

So far so quick to accept the teachings you define as right
Round pegs in such square holes
Retrofitted and stripped of all we know or loved
A tragedy played out for all to witness
The breeding out, the drawing in
Moving forward before we begin to fade out
These days I find I'm living in shades of grey and I'm just fine with where I am; not another broken piece in a broken system
I'm not listening when you say there's something wrong with where I am or what I've done
This is where I belong
Sterilized and medicated down
Over worked and underpaid in this place that we call home
Asked to accept and do our part a reverse renaissance at heart
Keep it down but let it play
Moving forward before we begin to fade out
These days I find I'm living in shades of grey and I'm just fine with where I am; not another broken piece in a broken system
I'm not listening when you say there's something wrong with where I am or what I've done
This is where I belong
This is who I should be
So let's keep it honest
We're all damaged goods
Selling out though we swore we never would
Round peg, square hole
We don't fit and we know
These days I find I'm living in shades of grey and I'm just fine with where I am; not another broken piece in a broken system. These days I find I'm living in shades of grey.