Craig Stull donna molto bella

Donna Molto Bella
It's a beautiful night, all the stars shining bright
For my donna molto bella
The moon's on the rise, there's a glow in the eyes
Of my donna molto bella
We drank sparkling prosecco and the music is echoin'
Our favorite tarantella It's a night for amore, an affair di cuore
That soft light above makes tonight right for love
And I would be one happy fella If this night with you could last our whole life through
My donna molto bella It's a beautiful night, all the stars shining bright
For my donna molto bella
The moon's on the rise, there's a glow in the eyes
Of my donna molto bella
That soft light above makes tonight right for love
It may lead to a luna di miele
So this night with you can last our whole life through
My donna molto bella I want this night with you to last our whole life through
My donna molto bella