Creature Comfort friend of a friend

The day the constance breathed
I wore my heart on my sleeve
And tossed and turned while awake
And slept right through my mistakes
Black eyes and broken teeth
Another ice cream treat
That the sun melts away before you
Eat it
Free spirit is just a good excuse
To be used and be used and be used
Free spirit is just a good excuse
To be used and be used and be used
Well oh my, oh my
I'm so sorry that I have let you down again
Oh please, oh please
Accept my apology for putting covers on books
And taking faces off friends
In time, In time...
Well all those answers that you found will become meaningless
And you will cease to exist
You'll see, you'll see
That that second hand moves much more quickly than it seems
Each time and time again I find myself closer to the end
And all my luck's run out and now you're just a friend of a friend
Each time and time again I find myself closer to the end
And all my luck's run out and now you're just a friend of a friend
Three blind mice
Were caught rolling dice
They put their hands behind their back
And were told to relax
Committing crimes you can't commit is like
Burning candles withought wicks
All the impossible you see
Is always possible to me
Free spirit is just a good excuse
To be used and be used and be used
Free spirit is just a good excuse
To be used and be used and be used
Well Oh my, oh my
I'm so sorry that I have let you down again
Oh please, oh please
Accept my apology for putting covers on books
And taking faces off friends
In time, In time...
Well all those answers that you found will become meaningless
And you will cease to exist
You'll see, you'll see
That that second hand moves much more quickly than it seems